Trezor Hardware Wallet (Official)

To set up your Trezor device, visit and follow the instructions to connect, install firmware, and create a wallet.

Getting Started with Your Trezor Hardware Wallet

Setting up your Trezor hardware wallet is essential for securely storing your cryptocurrencies. Follow these steps to begin:

Step 1: Unboxing Your Trezor

Upon receiving your Trezor, ensure all components are included: the Trezor device itself, a USB cable, and any documentation. Keep these handy throughout setup.

Step 2: Connecting Your Trezor

  1. Connect to Computer: Use the USB cable to connect your Trezor to your computer. Ensure it's a secure connection.

  2. Visit Open your web browser and go to This official Trezor page provides step-by-step setup instructions.

Step 3: Installing Trezor Bridge (if required)

Depending on your operating system, you may need to install Trezor Bridge:

  • Windows: Follow on-screen instructions to download and install Trezor Bridge.

  • MacOS: Allow installation if prompted by your system security settings.

  • Linux: Check Trezor's official site for specific instructions tailored to your distribution.

Step 4: Initializing Your Trezor

  1. Start Setup: Follow prompts on the Trezor website to begin setup.

  2. Choose Model: Select your Trezor model (Trezor One or Trezor Model T) to proceed.

  3. Update Firmware: If required, update your Trezor firmware to the latest version. This ensures optimal security and compatibility.

Step 5: Creating a New Wallet

  1. Generating Seed: Your Trezor will guide you through generating a new seed phrase. Ensure you're in a secure environment and follow instructions carefully.

  2. Confirm Seed: Verify your seed phrase on the Trezor device itself. This ensures you have accurately recorded it.

Step 6: Setting PIN and Device Name

  1. Choose PIN: Set a PIN on your Trezor device. This adds an extra layer of security for accessing your wallet.

  2. Device Name: Optionally, assign a name to your Trezor for easier identification if you own multiple devices.

Step 7: Completing Setup

  1. Backup Seed Phrase: Write down your seed phrase and store it securely offline. This phrase is crucial for accessing your funds if your Trezor is lost or damaged.

  2. Verify Backup: Confirm you've correctly recorded and stored your seed phrase. Trezor emphasizes the importance of this backup step.

Step 8: Using Your Trezor

Once setup is complete, you can access your Trezor wallet through compatible applications and manage your cryptocurrencies securely.

By following these steps outlined on, you ensure your Trezor hardware wallet is set up securely and ready to safeguard your digital assets.

Last updated